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Invitation email

An invitation email is an email sent to a list of recipients in order to announce an upcoming event, invite them to it and convince them to attend by proving its relevance.

The target of an invitation email to an event depends on its nature. For example, an invitation email to a sales meeting will be sent to customers and sales people concerned by the topic.

To ensure that invited guests confirm their attendance, your invitation email should:

Be personalized: an invitation is always nominative

Announce the event and the invitation in the subject line

Provide clear and complete information: date, location, program, speaker, etc.

Be sent in advance

Valuing guest participation

Include a CTA that allows the recipient to confirm his/her participation by simply clicking on the confirmation button in the email or a CTA that redirects the contact to a landing page dedicated to the event on which he/she will have to fill in a registration form.

Other types of emails