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You have probably arrived here because one of our customers uses our professional routing solution to send you information by email.

We don't like spam. In the event of abuse by one of our customers concerning the content of their message, the breach or malfunctioning of the unsubscribe principle, the method of collection or more generally any other breach of the legal and regulatory obligations applicable in this matter, we invite Internet users to contact us at

Please forward a copy of the message and the reason for your complaint. A complaint analysis and processing unit has been set up at Sarbacane to act quickly with regards to users who do not comply with the Sarbacane terms of use charter.

Antoine Delecourt


Sarbacane Data Protection Officer

Who are we

Sarbacane, a specialist in email marketing for small and medium-sized companies, is a software provider based in Europe.

Professional conduct

Sarbacane is a member of the Data & Marketing Association France and therefore relies on its code of conduct for electronic direct communication.

This document is available in full by clicking here.

Practical links