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POSITIVE GROUP FRANCE, a French simplified joint stock company (SAS) with capital of €169,967, 3 avenue Antoine Pinay, Parc d'activités des 4 vents, 59510 HEM (France).

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Director of publication

Mr Paul Jevardat de Fombelle.

Hosting company

OVH. Head Office: 2, rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix France.

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In accordance with French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004, if you think you have identified illegal content, hosted by us, you can report it by sending an email to, stating your contact details, a description of the disputed content and where it is located, the legal grounds on which the disputed content should be taken down and, if applicable, a copy of the takedown request addressed to the author or publisher of said content.

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